I am joining the Karuna Bristol Tutor team, teaching Year 3 and Clinical Year.  

I first came to meditation in 1998 and following a three-year period in India, I decided on a complete break from my career in publishing and returned to the UK to retrain at the Karuna Institute on Dartmoor. I have a deep commitment to integrating spiritual practice with psychological awareness and to this end continue to explore, study and digest the teachings and practices that support this enquiry. 

I work as a therapist and supervisor in private practice in Brighton and currently supervise individuals and groups online who have completed an Integrative Psychotherapy training in Pakistan.  I am also an external supervisor for a number of charities in the field of domestic and sexual violence.

I’m delighted to part of the Karuna teaching team, having previously worked as an external supervisor for the clinical year. I bring my experience from my clinical work, my contemplative practice and my on-going participation in professional development groups to inform my teaching.